If you have been injured as a result of defective or dangerous to pass devices then you may wish to join a class action lawsuit against GlaxoSmithKline. This company manufactured and marketed an amazing medical device known as the ez pass. The problem with this product was that it often failed to protect drivers who were crossing lanes in busy highways and towns. As a result, these drivers often had accidents, which resulted in serious injury or even death.
There was an ez pass lawsuit against GlaxoSmithKline prior to the recall of the products. Class action lawsuits are usually filed by individuals who were injured due to negligence of some kind. These lawsuits are also called ‘sole power’ suits, because they only allow one party to be responsible for an injury or accident. In this case, the manufacturer was responsible for not properly manufacturing the product and not providing proper warnings about the potential dangers of the device. The company also refused to provide any type of repair or replacement services for the defective product.
Class action lawsuits can be very costly for large corporations. This is especially true if the person filing the suit does not win their suit. In many cases, the plaintiff will receive a small settlement, but the injury attorney will also receive a large percentage of the settlement. Attorneys also receive a portion of the money won in this kind of case. A successful lawsuit in California could cost GlaxoSmithKline millions of dollars. This huge financial loss could also cause GlaxoSmithKline to go out of business, possibly having a significant negative impact on the local economy.
The class action lawsuit against GlaxoSmithKline came about when an ez pass recall lawsuit was released. The ez pass recall came about after state officials discovered that certain individuals were selling illegally modified or passes in different states. In one instance, the company sold faulty or passes in Georgia. These faulty or passes led to tragic accidents on the state’s highways. For these reasons, the state and federal government sued GlaxoSmithKline in California. GlaxoSmithKline was widely identified as the manufacturer of the faulty ez pass devices.
As you can see, there is significant money at stake in this ez pass class action lawsuit. If you have been injured due to an ez pass recall, you may be able to get compensation from GlaxoSmithKline through their class-action lawsuit. In most cases, the plaintiff will receive monetary damages, while the company will be responsible for costs related to medical bills, lost wages, and other such costs. GlaxoSmithKline is also responsible for paying for advertising. The company has already spent a lot of money on advertisements before this incident, and it stands to reason that they will likely need more money to fight back against the claims brought forth in this class action lawsuit.
Unfortunately, we live in a world where lawsuits are fairly common. This means that if you are involved in an accident caused by an ez pass device, you may have a chance at receiving compensation from GlaxoSmithKline. The company may be able to avoid having to pay you through a settlement or court settlement in exchange for granting you the right to sue them. The best course of action is to consult with an attorney experienced in personal injury cases who is knowledgeable about both the ez pass recall and this case in particular.